16 pages - I channeled this healing a couple of years ago after seeing some animals in distress. It uses the energy of the Ankh, Anubis and Bast. You don’t need to have any Reiki experience, just a love of animals and a willingness to help them. You will learn how to communicate with the animals, use a surrogate, hands on and distant healings. Animal reiki is pure unconditional love and compassion – love is the greatest energetic healer of all time, so when you’re sending or doing reiki you are coming from your heart space and sending waves of healing love.
My Golden Rule – THERE IS NO WRONG OR RIGHT WHEN YOU COME FROM A PLACE OF PURE INTENT. You can use this on your own animals or other peoples animals but it’s important to remember this is not a training manual, this is for information and interest only.
Please read disclaimer.
Anubast Animal Reiki
The information I am offering is not intended to replace, diagnose, prescribe or treat any ailment or to be used as a replacement for medical treatment or consultation for yourself or anyone you treat. It is only intended to enhance your knowledge or general interest and is offered as an alternative and complimentary source of information. In all cases it is recommended when treating animals, yourself, family, friends or clients that you reinforce the necessity to continue to follow medical treatment if and when needed or prescribed. These notes contain information from my own research & experience. This manual and its contents are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced in any way. Learning this modality does not allow you to teach it in any form ©2020 Louise Humphreys
The contents of these downloads are my own original work and are intended for inspiration and guidance ONLY and are not a substitute for medical treatment. I do not claim to heal people of any illness or offer any magickal quick fixes. Any information or advice provided by myself is for educational purposes only and not diagnostically prescriptive in nature.